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Taking the slow lane

I’m off on a business trip again. I seem to go a little more than once a month these days, and the insanity of air travel in Canada in the winter is starting to wear thin. Life in general seems to be moving faster and faster every year, with no chance to breathe.  I feel this constant hum – a vibration almost – that is the background to everything, and is keeping me on edge. Even yoga, which sadly has been reduced to once-a-week classes – and maybe that’s why –  isn’t keeping it at bay.

This guy REALLY knows how to slow down!

I’m taking conscious steps to bring things into balance. Less work – and less checking the workphone – on the weekends. Fewer “must dos” and more spontaneous “want to dos”. More reading.  It’s a work in progress. I cut my cable TV, and while I’m not missing it, I am spending more time curled up with my new friend  Netflix than I anticipated! 

Interestingly, having a vegan daughter is one thing that really does make me slow down. No longer can I just pull a frozen, processed “something” out of the freezer. Real cooking – slow cooking – is required, along with a bit of planning. But as long as I make large quantities, we don’t have to start from scratch every night. And we are clearly eating better. I don’t even miss the meat (although eggs and cheese are definitely part of my lunches, if not hers)!

Back to travel. This time, knowing  my daughter will join me after three days of hard work for a couple of “jours des filles” at the end of March break, I’ve decided to take the train. This is definitely the way to travel. OK it takes a little longer, but it’s civilized, and there’s wifi for the whole journey to book. That plus room to get up and stretch, legroom, no fat old guy sitting next to me taking up more than his allotted space – it’s great. You even get wine in VIA Rail business class.

I’m finishing off an ensuite renovation, which is looking spectacular. The electrical work will be finished while I’m away, and then I’ll have a luxurious refuge from which to escape from crazy days. And given that the cost of the reno probably means no fancy holiday this year, having that sanctuary is probably  a good thing!. 

Canada is celebrating her sesquicentennial birthday this year, and I was a centennial baby, so there’s a milestone birthday this summer for me too. As I approach that date, I’m continuing to evaluate the things in my life, looking for more ways to chill out, to reduce stress and to go slow.

So let me ask you – how do you stay in the slow lane?