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New adventures at work

I’ve alluded to it in several blog posts, but late last month it became official.

I’ve taken on a new position and while the potential amount of extra work that comes along with it is slightly terrifying, now that it’s real, I realize I’m excited about expanding my horizons. I’ve worked essentially for the same company for almost 10 years and any communicator will tell you that’s a long time. Admittedly, it’s felt like more than one firm during that time; it started as a crown corporation, was then bought by a public company (but kept very separate) and most recently has been integrated with another division. But it’s still really been essentially the same company.

It’s easy to get comfortable in a role. You know the subject matter, the people, the processes and even when you’re the one helping make to change, the familiar can be difficult to leave behind. But it also leads to stagnation and if I’m perfectly honest with myself, I can see the reality of that for me. And while I’ve taken on more volunteer work both in the industry and in my community to try and alleviate that, it hasn’t quite filled the gap.

So when this opportunity was dangled in front of me again (I’d said no to it several months ago, for some very good business reasons ), I decided the time was right. I’m keeping much of my current activities in my own business unit but changing reporting lines to take on additional responsibilities at a higher level, with some degree of influence over other business units. On paper, at least, I’m now a peer of my former boss!

I’m excited for the challenge and the growth opportunities. I have lots to learn about other energy production methods and about power lines. And the learning starts now. Within a couple of hours of the official announcement, I was on a plane to the larger company’s head office to meet with corporate communicators. We’ve met before, but with this new hat, there are more and new things to talk about.

So wish me well. The company has had a difficult few years, but things are turning around. The worst seems to be behind us and the future is looking bright. There’s lots of work ahead to ensure that light stays bright, and I’m looking forward to playing my own small part in that journey.