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It only takes a spark

One of my favourite quotations is from American novelist Edith Wharton. She wrote about two different ways to lead. One is to be the candle that lights the way. The other is to be the mirror that reflects that candlelight. I’ve always thought it was a great metaphor for what Communications professionals do. We help others tell stories. We take the ideas – the original thoughts – they have, shine them up and make them accessible and understandable to the right audiences. I always thought that was exactly what I wanted to do forever.

But increasingly I feel as if a tiny spark is growing within me. It’s kind of like the beginning of a campfire. First you lay the foundation. Then you blow gently on the first spark, feeding it dry evergreen needles  until it becomes a tentative flame. Next come the small branches and as the flame gets stronger, more substantial fuel can be added until you have a roaring fire. 

I’m not sure if it’s age, experience, or if it’s just that I finally might have some original ideas of my own at last! I’ve taken to carrying around a small notebook to scribble down bits and pieces — dot jots, my kids might call them — words or phrases that might one day get stitched together into something more than the sum of their parts. 

Not that I set New Year’s resolutions this year, but somehow carving out a little bit of time to polish those up is definitely in the plans. I’m not off to a good start, but there are many months to go.

So stay tuned to this space. As I thread the needle and try to turn these seemingly unrelated thoughts into something coherent, this will be my practise field — a place to experiment and muse out loud. Who knows what creative journeys await!