And just like that, it’s over. I’m feeling a little like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz today, except when click my heels together three times tomorrow morning, it will be back to work for me. Six months has flown …
It’s no secret I’ve always loved the written word but I’m also a bit of a Broadway nerd. Give me a good showtune to belt out when nobody’s listening, and I’m a happy camper. And if I can have a …
Time is ticking away. I’m cognizant that Sabbatical 2.0 has hit the halfway mark. I’m amazed that we’re here already. It’s going very quickly. Sabbatical 1.0 was only set for four months and I can’t imagine going back to work in …
I miss coffee shops. I miss the smell of freshly ground coffee, the hissing sound of the milk frother and the thump thump when the barista empties the coffee grounds. I miss the background music and the constant buzz of …
The daffodils in the ravine behind my garden gate are laughing at me. Taunting me. Tormenting me. These are the bulbs that I didn’t plant two autumns ago because I wouldn’t be here in the spring. They are the bulbs that I did plant …
Does anyone else feel like we’re living in the movie Groundhog Day? Cases are down, let’s reopen. Cases are up, close down again, but only sort of. And repeat. Ad nauseam. It reminds me a bit of the childhood camp song we …