I didn’t buy much online before the pandemic. I tried to support local when I could – and they weren’t usually online back then. I like to see and touch things, holding them and thinking about how they will fit …
Does anyone else feel like we’re living in the movie Groundhog Day? Cases are down, let’s reopen. Cases are up, close down again, but only sort of. And repeat. Ad nauseam. It reminds me a bit of the childhood camp song we …
Today is moving day. After carefully nurturing my public musings through their babyhood and toddler years, my blog has outgrown its original home and is ready for more. When my kids were six, they all left the safety of their …
I’ve been reading a lot about Facebook and possible soon-to-come Twitter algorithms recently and it’s a bit frightening.You probably know – although maybe not – that your Facebook news stream is ranked. According to a 2013 article by Facebook itself, the newsfeed …
Back in mid-July, I mentioned that I was going to try and go on a short holiday without any devices. It was only a few days, after all, so how difficult could it be? Apparently, harder than I thought! With …